Software potente para el uso, supervisión y control de los procesos manuales de generación de lotes y pesaje.
Diseñado para funcionar con todas las básculas industriales y de laboratorio
Informes transparentes de todo el proceso de recetas
Compatibilidad total con Microsoft Windows® 7
Sistema para ubicaciones individuales y múltiples
Pantalla táctil optimizada para interfaces de zonas de producción
Se suministra con funciones integradas para producción, consumo de lotes, informes de pesaje y la mezcla de recetas
Función:de gestión,de supervisión,de seguridad
Usos:para alimentos
DRIVE NDT is a cloud-based management software which integrates all NDT inspection methods and associated processes into a single system. With DRIVE NDT you can organize and control the complete NDT job workflow including individual test reports, staff, customer and device management, and much more.
One solution for all NDT inspection methods
Radiographic Testing (RT-D, RT-F, CT)
Ultrasonic Testing (UT-PA, UT-TOFD, UT-WD)
Visual Testing (VT)
Electromagnetic Testing (ET)
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)
Acoustic Emission Testing (AT)
Acoustic Resonance Testing (ART)
Infrared/Thermal Testing (IR/TT)
Leak Testing (LT)
Optical Methods (OM)
Powerful Yet Compact Solutions for Deployment of FabGuard
FabGuard Controllers provide powerful compact solutions for deploying FabGuard integrated process monitoring solutions. These reliable industrial controllers connect with tools and sensors through FabGuard to perform real-time data acquisition and analysis, whether for detailed chamber-specific analysis or as part of a fabwide SPC & FDC system. FabGuard Controllers support INFICON sensors, third-party sensors as well as the variety of tools found throughout fabs. Even the demanding requirements of high-speed applications can be met using the FabGuard High Speed Controller.
Size (Length):10.5 inches
Size (Width):7.7 inches
Size (Height):3.1 inches
CPU:Core i5
Memory:4 GB
Hard Disk:1 TB
Operating System:Windows 7 Professional, 32-bit
The D-Tect X-ray inspection software is completely developed by DÜRR NDT and is the perfect complement to all digital X-ray systems like imaging plate scanners and flat panel detectors (DDAs).
DICONDE compliant
The user can be certain that images can be viewed on any other DICONDE compliant system.
All functions are included: from image acquisition, image evaluation and report generation to data import and export.
High performance
GPU and multi-core CPU support makes D-Tect X extremely fast and efficient.
OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) ist ein Standard für die Kommunikation im Umfeld der Industrieautomation: ein Machine-to-Machine-Kommunikationsprotokoll für die industrielle Automatisierung. Der Server ermöglicht einen betriebssystemübergreifenden Datenaustausch zwischen z.B. Waagen und übergeordneten System, wie ERP oder MES Systemen. miOPC eignet sich zum Beispiel für die Industriewaagen Combics, Signum, Midrics und IS Plattformen.
Mit miOPC bietet Minebea Intec als Innovationsführer eine neue Lösung am Markt, die einen wichtige Schritt in Richtung Standardisierung und Unabhängigkeit der Kunden geht.
Ihre Vorteile:
— Einfache Anbindung existierender Waagen über Ethernet TCP/IP oder seriell RS232
— Standard OPC UA Waagenprofil gemäß der OPC Foundation: “OPC UA Kompendium Spezifikation für Wägetechnik”
— Datensicherheit durch Verschlüsselungen
— Einfache, intuitive Bedienung
Anwendung:Industrie(Lebensmittel, Pharmazie, Verpackung),Ethernet,Messmaschinen,TCP,OPC Server Anschluss
OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) est une norme de communication dans le domaine de l'automatisation industrielle - plus précisément : un protocole de communication de machine à machine pour l'automatisation industrielle. Il permet l'échange de données entre, par exemple, les balances et les systèmes de niveau supérieur tels que les systèmes ERP ou MES. miOPC convient, par exemple, aux plates-formes de balances industrielles Combics, Signum, Midrics et IS.
Avec miOPC, Minebea Intec, en tant que leader de l'innovation, offre une nouvelle solution sur le marché, qui fait un pas important vers la standardisation et l'indépendance du client.
— Connexion simplifiée des balances existantes via Ethernet TCP/IP ou série RS232
— Profil de balance standard OPC UA selon la Fondation OPC : "OPC UA Compendium Specification for Weighing".
— Sécurité des données grâce au cryptage
— Utilisation simple et intuitive
Fonction:d'échange de données
Applications:industriel(alimentaire,agroalimentaire,emballage,pharmaceutique) Ethernet,TCP,serveurs OPC
Type:non spécifié
Systeme d'exploitation:Windows
OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) to standard komunikacji w dziedzinie automatyki przemysłowej - a dokładniej: protokół komunikacyjny machine-to-machine dla automatyki przemysłowej. Serwer umożliwia wymianę danych między systemami operacyjnymi, na przykład między wagami i systemami wyższego poziomu, takimi jak ERP lub MES. miOPC jest odpowiedni na przykład dla platform Combics, Signum, Midrics i IS.
Dzięki miOPC, Minebea Intec, jako lider innowacji, oferuje nowe rozwiązanie dla rynku, które stanowi ważny krok w kierunku standaryzacji i niezależności klienta.
Proste podłączenie istniejących wag poprzez Ethernet TCP/IP lub szeregowe złącze RS232
Standardowy profil wagi OPC UA zgodnie z OPC Foundation: "OPC UA Compendium Specification for Weighing".
Bezpieczeństwo danych dzięki szyfrowaniu
Prosta, intuicyjna obsługa
Zintegrowany system sterowania ułatwia automatyzację ważenia i dozowania.
Oprogramowanie Batch-PMS można łatwo zintegrować z istniejącą infrastrukturą sieciową i systemową w różnych gałęziach przemysłu. Zawiera ono moduły do sterowania procesami, zarządzania produkcją, recepturami i zarządzania danymi oraz wiele innych opcji.
Korzyści dla użytkownika:
Prosta obsługa, wielu użytkowników
Łatwa integracja z istniejącą infrastrukturą sieciową
Duże bezpieczeństwo danych, w tym zintegrowane funkcje tworzenia kopii zapasowych
Die Software SPC@Enterprise kombiniert für eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Systeme die klassische Füllmengenkontrolle mit dynamischer Prozesskontrolle und unterstützt damit effizient das Qualitätsmanagement Ihrer Produktion.
Effiziente Vernetzung vielfältiger Geräte und Systeme von Minebea Intec und anderen Anbietern
Schnelle Prozess-Steuerung durch leistungsstarkes Monitorprogramm
Einfaches Erstellen von Produktions oder Eichstatistiken
Anzeigen des aktuellen Status inklusive Tageshistorie von dynamischen Kontrollwaagen und Metallsuchgeräten, protokollieren von Fehlermeldungen sowie Produktwechseln und Events
Email-Versand von Alarmen
Einfache Datensicherung, weniger Risiko von Datenverlust
Anwendung:für Nahrungsmittel
Die PC basierte Software Batch-PMS ermöglicht die Bedienung, Überwachung und Steuerung von chargenorientierten und rezepturgestützten Produktionsprozessen. Mittels der integrierten Steuerung lassen sich wägetechnische und verfahrenstechnische Batch-Applikationen einfach automatisieren
Die Software Batch-PMS lässt sich einfach in bestehende Netzwerk- und Systeminfrastrukturen verschiedener Branchen integrieren. Sie umfasst Module für Prozesssteuerung, Produktionsmanagement, Rezepturverwaltung, Datenmanagement und viele weitere Optionen.
Ihre Vorteile:
— Einfaches und modulares Bedienkonzept inkl. Multi-User Bedienung
— Problemlose Integration in bestehende Netzwerk- und Systeminfrastrukturen
— Ausgezeichnete Anschlussmöglichkeiten
— Hohe Datensicherheit inkl. integrierter Backup-Funktionalität
Structure Modeling Tools
Reduce Modelling Time by Up to 80% with the Automated Structural Modeling Tools in EdgeWise 5.1.
The speed and accuracy of EdgeWise automated feature extraction — now for structural steel and concrete.
Modelling steel from scan data can be a pain. Current software is slow and often inaccurate, leading to missed deadlines and cost overruns. The new structural modeling tools in EdgeWise 5.0 change all that by applying advanced extraction algorithms and automated modeling technologies to accurately extract steel, concrete and wood structure faster than ever before.
Plant Modeling Capabilities
EdgeWise offers a host of features and tools to bring you from field-to-finish more accurately and much faster than ever before. Automated extraction, spec-driven fitting placement, billion-point visualization, and exacting quality assurance tools all combine to make EdgeWise a true end-to-end modeling solution for process plants.
The PC-based software Batch-PMS enables the operation, monitoring and control of batch-oriented and recipe-based production processes. The integrated control system makes it easy to automate weighing and process batch applications.
The software Batch-PMS can be easily integrated into existing network and system infrastructures of various industries. It includes modules for process control, production management, recipe management, data management and many further options.
Your benefits:
— Simple and modular operating concept including multi-user operation
— Easy integration into existing network and system infrastructures
— Outstanding connectivity
— High data safety including integrated backup functionality
Mit dieser Konstruktionssoftware gravieren oder fräsen Sie Texte, Bilder oder Muster.
Sie bearbeiten präzise Materialien wie Kunststoff, Holz, Stahlblech, Aluminium und zahlreiche mehr.
Import:GIF, BMP, JPG, PCX, Graustufen-/Farbbilder
Export:HPGL, DXF, LG1, ISO
Schild AutoLayout:Erstellung von Listen-/Matrixschilden möglich
ReliefVTR:professionelle 3D Relief-Bearbeitung
Navigator:einfache Bedienungsführung
Onlinehilfe:vollständige Programmhilfe verfügbar
Bearbeitung:3/4-Achsen Bearbeitung mit beinahe allen Fräszentren
LFM Modeller
With LFM Modeller, users can create intelligent 3D models of existing laser scan data and export the models to a variety of 3D CAD systems, with some few clicks.
LFM NetView
LFM NetView is a web-based application suitable for engineering and asset management. The application is available either as a standalone application or as a web browser plug-in, allowing free, secure access to huge databases with an unlimited number of scans.
LFM Server
With LFM Server, users can access and work with pre-registered 3D laser scan data, compare the planned design with existing data, and use CAD packages from AVEVA, Autodesk, Bentley, or Intergraph.
LFM Gateway
LFM Gateway provides a unique connection to terrestrial 3D scanners. The application can import data from mobile, handheld or airborne laser scanning.
Met miOPC biedt Minebea Intec als innovatieleider een nieuwe oplossing op de markt, die een belangrijke stap zet naar standaardisatie en klantonafhankelijkheid. miOPC voldoet aan de nieuwe OPC UA interface standaard volgens de OPC UA Compenium Specification for Weighing Technology". Deze werd gecreëerd door toonaangevende weegfabrikanten en in samenwerking met de VDMA en ISW Stuttgart en wordt de nieuwe standaard in weegtechnologie. De miOPC software is de ideale serveroplossing voor het integreren van weegschalen in de IT-infrastructuur. Het installeert de OPC UA server als een service en maakt zo de integratie van de weegschalen in de bestaande IT-structuur mogelijk. Zo kunnen de wegingen via het standaardprotocol worden geregistreerd in de software van de klant. Geschikt voor bijvoorbeeld de Industriële weegschalen Combics, Signum, Midrics en alle IS-platforms.
With the software Z+F SynCaT®, Zoller+Fröhlich creates a connection between the Z+F PROFILER® 9012 and external positioning and navigation systems. SynCaT stands for synchronization, calibration and transformation - also representing the main tasks of the software. Z+F SynCat® includes all the features below:
Calibration: Processing of calibration parameters due to different system integrations (translation, rotation offsets between the coordinate systems of the navigation-unit (trajectory) and the Z+F PROFILER® 9012 laser scanner)
Synchronization: Synchronize Z+F PROFILER® 9012 laser scanner data with trajectory data and generate 3D point cloud files
Transformation: Transform 3D point cloud data to different local coordinate systems and apply different local/global height correction models (geoid correction files)
Correction: Individual offset estimation referring to predefined ground control points (GCP’s)
Z+F SynCaT® is a modular structured mobile mapping software.
eddyMOTION is a Windows-based analysis and configuration tool for eddy current probes. In combination with the TX electronics from eddylab GmbH, the software tool combines several performance features: The functional areas oscilloscope, FFT analysis, data logger and waterfall diagram, enables the visualization and documentation of mechanical movements. eddyMOTION also suites the on-site linearization of eddy current sensors in a traceable manner, without external assistance.
In addition to the TX electronics and an eddylab eddy current sensor, a reference probe is required for this purpose: Together with the eddy current sensor, this probe measures the distance to the same material, with the reference probe serving to check the sensor.
Programming is completely done in-house according to DIN EN 61131-3. The preferred programming languages used are either Siemens’ Step 7 or 3S’ CodeSys. The hardware depends on the application: it ranges from miniature control systems to computer solutions with connections to the office world in order to document the manufacturing process ideally. By working closely together with our customers we attain individual use of technological possibilities.
Z+F LaserControl® Office and Scout are the optimal solution to work efficiently and fully with the laser scanners of Zoller + Fröhlich. A range of filters, measurement and registration tools enable a high differentiate processing of scan data and are the key to filter, register and color 3D point clouds. Thanks to the large selection of export formats provided by Z+F LaserControl®, data can be imported and further processed in all common 3D software applications.
OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) is a standard for communication in the field of industrial automation - more precisely: a machine-to-machine communication protocol for industrial automation. The server enables cross-operating system data exchange between, for example, scales and higher-level systems such as ERP or MES systems. miOPC is suitable, for example, for the Combics, Signum, Midrics and IS platforms.
With miOPC, Minebea Intec, as an innovation leader, offers a new solution for the market that takes an important step towards standardisation and customer independence.
Your benefits:
— Simple connection of existing scales via Ethernet TCP/IP or serial RS232
— Standard OPC UA scale profile according to the OPC Foundation: "OPC UA Compendium Specification for Weighing
— Data security through encryption
— Simple, intuitive operation
Functions:data exchange
Applications:industrial (food,pharma,packaing),Ethernet,TCP,industrial networks,OPC server connection
Operating system:Windows
Scantra® is a programme for automated registration of point clouds captured by terrestrial laser scanners based on identical planes and points. It has been designed to process very large projects with hundreds to thousands of scans with superior accuracy way beyond the error-budget of ICP-based solutions. Typical fields of application are as-built documentation, construction site monitoring or deformation measurement. Scantra is the only software on the market that satisfies established demands from Geodetic Engineering by delivering extensive and meaningful quality measures which stem from a high-performance Block Adjustment. Scantra is capable to handle highly redundant registrations as a consequence of loop-closure constraints yielding in reliable results.
Be a part of our net - your advantages at a glance
Thanks to the robust steel frame, our T-Rex CNC mill enables you to produce precisely, quickly and cleanly. Even with workpieces made of hard material, you will achieve ideal results, thanks to the high stability of the CNC machine, which is guaranteed by the robust construction.
On this machine, you can even process thicker plate material, as the clearance height of the Z-axis is 200 mm.
Versatile application possibilities: drilling, cutting or engraving in different materials such as plastic, wood, granite, marble, stone and metal can be done with high accuracy.
Basic equipment:
> vacuum table with several zones
> manual central lubrication
> KinetiC-NC control software
> ergonomic control panel with integrated CNC control
> full version of the design software ConstruCAM-3D
> Estlcam software
CE-compliant commissioning of our CNC machines requires the attachment of the protective housing and the exhaust connection.
X axis travel:900 mm
Y axis travel:600 mm
Z axis travel:200 mm (300/400 mm optional)
Clearance height:220 mm (320/420 mm optional)
Clamping Area X :930 mm
Clamping Area Y:630 mm
Machine lenght:1650 mm
Machine width:1440 mm
Machine height:1950 mm
Weight:350 kg
Backlash:+/- 0,015 mm
Repeat accuracy:0,01 mm
max. rapid speed:17000 mm/min
max. oprerating speed:12000 mm/min
Il sistema di controllo integrato facilita l'automazione delle applicazioni di pesatura e di processo a lotti.
Il software Batch-PMS può essere facilmente integrato nelle infrastrutture di rete e di sistema esistenti di varie industrie. Include moduli per il controllo del processo, la gestione della produzione, la gestione delle ricette, la gestione dei dati e molte altre opzioni.
— Concetto operativo semplice e modulare, compreso il funzionamento multiutente
— Facile integrazione nelle infrastrutture di rete e di sistema esistenti
— Connettività eccezionale
— Elevata sicurezza dei dati, inclusa la funzionalità di backup integrata
OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) è uno standard per la comunicazione nel campo dell'automazione industriale - più precisamente: un protocollo di comunicazione machine-to-machine per l'automazione industriale. Consente lo scambio di dati tra sistemi trasversali, come per esempio tra le bilance e i sistemi di livello superiore come i sistemi ERP o MES. miOPC è adatto per le piattaforme Combics, Signum, Midrics e piattaforme IS.
Con miOPC, Minebea Intec, come leader dell'innovazione, offre una nuova soluzione sul mercato, che fa un passo importante verso la standardizzazione e autonomia del cliente.
— Facile connessione delle bilance esistenti tramite Ethernet TCP/IP o seriale RS232
— Profilo standard OPC UA della bilancia secondo la OPC Foundation: "OPC UA Compendium Specification for Weighing".
— Sicurezza dei dati attraverso la crittografia
— Funzionamento semplice e intuitivo
Funzione:di scambio dati
Applicazioni:industriale(alimentari,agroalimentare,imballaggio,farmaceutiche)Ethernet ,TCP,server OPC
Sistema operativo:Windows
The software SPC@Enterprise combines classic filling quantity control with dynamic process control for a wide range of different systems, thereby efficiently supporting quality management of your production processes.
Efficient networking of a diverse range of devices and systems from Minebea Intec and other vendors
Fast process control due to powerful monitoring program
Easily generate production or calibration statistics
Displays the current status of checkweighers and metal detectors including daily history, logging of error messages, product changes and events
Email dispatch of alarms
Simple data backup will return a lower risk of data los
Functions:statistical,reporting,quality,safety,process control
OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) es un estándar de comunicación en el ámbito de la automatización industrial, más concretamente: un protocolo de comunicación de máquina a máquina para la automatización industrial. Permite el intercambio de datos entre sistemas operativos, por ejemplo, entre balanzas y sistemas de nivel superior, como sistemas ERP o MES. miOPC es adecuado, por ejemplo, para Combics, Signum, Midrics y plataformas IS.
Con miOPC, Minebea Intec, como líder en innovación, ofrece una nueva solución al mercado, que da un paso importante hacia la estandarización y la independencia del cliente.
— Fácil conexión de las balanzas existentes a través de Ethernet TCP/IP o serie RS232
— Perfil de balanza OPC UA estándar según la OPC Foundation: "OPC UA Compendium Specification for Weighing".
— Seguridad de los datos mediante encriptación
— Funcionamiento sencillo e intuitivo
Función:de intercambio de datos
Usos:industrial(medición,alimentos,agroalimentaria,embalaje,farmacéuticas)Ethernet,TCP,servidor OPC
Sistema operativo:Windows
Profitieren Sie von unseren schnellen und zuverlässigen Bodentransportdiensten, die eine pünktliche Lieferung Ihrer Waren in alle Bereiche gewährleisten. Von lokalen Lieferungen bis hin zu landesweiten Lieferungen sind wir für Sie da.
The Z+F PROFILER® 9012 M has a vertical 360° field-of-view and is the fastest profile imaging 2D laser measurement system in its class. With its scan rate of more than 1 million points per second and a maximum scanning speed of 200 profiles/sec. short distances between the profiles can be achieved even at high speeds of the carrier vehicle. Because of the high point density, even small objects are registered and processed by the software. Because the laser measurement system corresponds to laser class 1, the scanner can be used in urban environments without any restriction.A hardware-assisted pixel-by-pixel synchronization makes it possible to process signals form external devices. As a result, the position and orientation of the scan data can be determined.
We Move Your Cargo Quickly And Securely Through Our Comprehensive Air Freight Services. Whether It’s An Urgent Matter Or A Distant Destination, We Demonstrate Speed And Expertise.